python render.py 参数
$ python render.py -h
process name must be provided
usage: python render.py [options]
-h help
-t total time
-i interval to pick up cpu usage
-p process name
-r thread name
-l 1: mark X axis with time, 0: without time
-m mode, by default, use 'top', value can be top or ps
python render.py firefox
this script is used to render cpu usage
to get cpu usage, here use top rather than ps because ps got bad accuarcy, for top got firefox's cpu
usage, 8.3 or 8.4, while ps always got 6.2
import sys
import matplotlib as mpl # render diagram to pdf rather than x window because our target machine may not allowed using x11
mpl.use('Agg') # this must called before import pylab
import pylab
import subprocess
import time
import datetime
import getopt
import re
TotalTime = 30 # seconds
Interval = 1 # seconds
MoitorProcess = ""
LabelYTime = '0'
ThreadName = ""
def getProcessCPUUsage( processName ):
global Interval
p1 = subprocess.Popen([“top”, “-n”, str(Interval), “-b”], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p2 = subprocess.Popen([“grep”, processName], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p3 = subprocess.Popen([“grep”, “-v”, “grep”], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# here we just extact first process that is matched with process name
p4 = subprocess.Popen([“awk”, “{if( NR==1 ) print $9}”], stdin=p3.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
usg = p4.communicate()[0]
print "process cpu: " , usg
# use regular express remove none decimal charactar
non_decimal = re.compile(r'[^\d.]+')
cpu = non_decimal.sub('', usg )
return float( cpu )
def getProcessId( processName ):
p1 = subprocess.Popen([“top”, “-n”, “1”, “-b”], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p2 = subprocess.Popen([“grep”, processName], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p3 = subprocess.Popen([“grep”, “-v”, “grep”], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# here we just extact first process that is matched with process name
p4 = subprocess.Popen([“awk”, “{if( NR==1 ) print $1}”], stdin=p3.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
pid = p4.communicate()[0]
return pid
def getProcessThread( pid, threadName ):
pid=str(int(pid)) # force tick out none-decimal
p1 = subprocess.Popen([“top”, “-p”, pid, “-n”, str(Interval), “-H”, “-b”], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p2 = subprocess.Popen([“grep”, threadName], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p3 = subprocess.Popen([“grep”, “-v”, “grep”], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p4 = subprocess.Popen([“wc”, “-l”], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
if '0' == p4.communicate()[0]:
return False
return True
def getProcessThreadCPUUsage( processName, threadName ):
global Interval
pid = getProcessId( processName )
if( '' == pid or None == pid ):
print "cannot find process: ", processName
#print 'pid:', pid
pid=str(int(pid)) # force tick out none-decimal
p1 = subprocess.Popen([“top”, “-p”, pid, “-n”, str(Interval), “-H”, “-b”], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p2 = subprocess.Popen([“grep”, threadName], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
p3 = subprocess.Popen([“grep”, “-v”, “grep”], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# here we just extact first process that is matched with process name
p4 = subprocess.Popen([“awk”, “{if( NR==1 ) print $9}”], stdin=p3.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
usg = p4.communicate()[0]
if usg == '':
print "cannot find thread: ", threadName
print "thread cpu: " , usg
# use regular express remove none decimal charactar
non_decimal = re.compile(r'[^\d.]+')
cpu = non_decimal.sub('', usg )
return float( cpu )
def renderFromFile( fileName ):
print "input file: ", fileName
# generate data
i = 0
x = list()
y = list()
with open( fileName, 'r' ) as pf:
for line in pf:
y.append( round( float( line ), 2))
x.append( i )
i += 1
pylab.plot( x, y )
pylab.savefig( fileName + '.png' )
def renderFromListXY( listX, listY ):
# generate data
#i = 0
#x = list()
#y = list()
#for el in data:
# y.append( round( float( el ), 2))
# x.append( i )
# i += 1
global MoitorProcess
pylab.xlabel( "time( in seconds )" )
pylab.ylabel( "cpu usage" )
pylab.title( "CPU Usage of Process( " + MoitorProcess + ":" + ThreadName + " )" )
pylab.plot( listX, listY, aa=True, label="CPU Usage of " + MoitorProcess )
def renderFromListY( listY ):
# generate data
i = 0
x = list()
y = list()
for el in listY:
y.append( round( float( el ), 2))
x.append( i )
i += 1
global MoitorProcess
pylab.xlabel( "time( in seconds )" )
pylab.ylabel( "cpu usage" )
pylab.title( "CPU Usage of Process( " + MoitorProcess + ":" + ThreadName + " )" )
pylab.plot( x, y, aa=True )
def savePlot( processName, threadName ):
if threadName == '':
pylab.savefig( processName + '.png' )
pylab.savefig( processName + '-' + threadName + '.png' )
def usage():
print "usage: python render.py [options]"
print "options:"
print " -h help"
print " -t total time"
print " -i interval to pick up cpu usage"
print " -p process name"
print " -r thread name"
print " -l 1: mark X axis with time, 0: without time"
print " -m mode, by default, use 'top', value can be top or ps"
sys.exit( 0 )
def parseOptions( argv ):
argv.remove( argv[0])
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'ht:i:p:r:l:m:')
bTotalTime = False
bInterval = False
bProcessName = False
bLabelYTime = False
bThreadName = False
for opt in optlist:
if opt[0] == '-h':
if opt[0] == '-t':
global TotalTime
TotalTime = int(opt[1])
bTotalTime = True
if opt[0] == '-i':
global Interval
Interval = int(opt[1])
bInterval = True
if opt[0] == '-p':
global MoitorProcess
MoitorProcess = opt[1]
bProcessName = True
if opt[0] == '-r':
global ThreadName
ThreadName = opt[1]
bThreadName = True
if opt[0] == '-l':
global LabelYTime
LabelYTime = opt[1]
bLabelYTime = True
if opt[0] == '-m':
if bProcessName == False:
print "process name must be provided"
if bTotalTime == False:
print "total time not specified, use default value – 30 seconds"
if bInterval == False:
print "interval not provided, use default value – 1 second"
if bLabelYTime == False:
print "draw diagram without time"
print "draw diagram with time"
except Exception as e:
#print "got exception: " + e.message()
def main( argv ):
# get input file
#fileName = argv[1]
#renderFromFile( fileName )
parseOptions( argv )
global TotalTime
global Interval
global MoitorProcess
global LabelYTime
global ThreadName
# check if process or thread exists, if not exit program
pid = getProcessId( MoitorProcess )
if '' == pid:
print "cannot find process: " + MoitorProcess
sys.exit( 0 )
if False == getProcessThread( pid, ThreadName ):
print "cannot find thread: " + ThreadName
sys.exit( 0 )
listUage = list()
listTime = list()
count = TotalTime / Interval
print "capture data…."
print "total time: ", TotalTime, " interval: ", Interval
for it in range( count ):
if ThreadName != "":
usage = getProcessThreadCPUUsage( MoitorProcess, ThreadName )
usage = getProcessCPUUsage( MoitorProcess )
listUage.append( usage )
#tm = time.localtime()
#listTime.append( str(tm.tm_hour)+":"+str(tm.tm_min)+":"+str(tm.tm_sec))
listTime.append( datetime.datetime.now())
#time.sleep( Interval )
# render
if LabelYTime == '1':
renderFromListXY( listTime, listUage )
renderFromListY( listUage )
savePlot( MoitorProcess, ThreadName )
if __name__ == "__main__":
main( sys.argv )
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