加速你的TSVNCache.exe进而 – 加速你的电脑







Instead of disabling the cache, you can optimize the paths where TSVNCache.exe looks for repositories so it only actually looks at working copies and not your whole disk(s) drive(s).

If you keep all of your working copies in one location, this is a dead simple:

  1. right-click on your desktop and click TortoiseSVN -> Settings
  2. in the tree view, click on to Look and Feel/Icon Overlays
  3. in the Exclude Paths box put all your hdd letters (eg: C:\* d:\*) and separate the values with newlines.
  4. on the Include Paths box, put all your working copies locations, again separated by newlines (eg: d:\dev\*).

Notice the * – sign at the end of each path, this is necessary to include/exclude subdirs.


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